Academic Review and Probation

The Committee on Admissions (COA) regularly reviews the academic performance of all students in Columbia University School of Nursing who are failing to meet the academic standards identified above. Students are evaluated at the end of each sub-term or end of each term. 

The COA has the authority to dismiss a student from Columbia Nursing, suspend a student for one or more semesters, or place the student on academic probation. A student on academic probation must meet the required academic standards within the following semester or will be dismissed from the school. Students can only be on probation once during their academic degree program, regardless of the time frame (e.g. consecutive or non-consecutive terms; return from LOA).

The COA will inform the student and the Program Director in writing via CUIMC Exchange email account of any academic review and decision. Students that do not meet the required academic standards may lose financial aid eligibility (see also Satisfactory Academic Progress). Students placed on probation are not considered to be in good academic standing, may not be granted a Leave of Absence (LOA), and may not graduate.


  • A student who fails to maintain a cumulative B average (3.0 GPA) will be placed on probation.
  • A student who receives a Low Pass in a clinical course will be placed on probation.
  • A student who has two or more Low Pass grades in clinical course will be dismissed from the school, regardless of the time frame. (e.g. consecutive or non-consecutive terms; return from LOA).
  • A student who receives an F:
    • If an F is earned in a non-clinical, non-specialty course, the student will be placed on probation and may repeat the course at the next offered time.
    • If an F is earned in a specialty, clinical, laboratory, or simulation course, the student will be dismissed from the school.
  • A student who fails two or more courses will be dismissed from the school, regardless of the time frame (e.g. consecutive or non-consecutive terms; return from LOA).
  • A student who has two or more Low Pass in clinical courses will be dismissed from the school, regardless of the time frame.
  • A student who has two or more incompletes (INC grades) will be dismissed from the school.
  • A student who has been placed on academic probation is not eligible to transition seamlessly into the Doctor of Nursing (DNP) program. Progression into doctoral degree programs at Columbia University School of Nursing (CUSON) requires that students maintain CUSON’s academic and professional integrity standards. Any breach in these standards will forfeit a student’s eligibility to progress seamlessly into a doctoral degree program. Clear, detailed information on school policies and procedures is in the Student Handbook.

PhD Program

  • PhD students with a C in any course will be reviewed by COA.