Maryam Zolnoori, PhD
- Assistant Professor of Health Sciences Research (in Nursing)

Maryam Zolnoori, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Health Sciences Research in the School of Nursing. She has master’s degrees in information technology and health informatics from Tarbiat Modares University and Indiana University, respectively, and a bachelor's degree in business management from Tehran University. She received her PhD in health sciences-clinical Informatics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Zolnoori has received several notable awards, including a Food and Drug Administration Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation project at Mayo Clinic, an Intramural Research Training Award from Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications at the National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health, and research awards from the Columbia Center of Artificial Intelligence Technology.
Academic Appointments
- Assistant Professor of Health Sciences Research (in Nursing)
- Female
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- PhD, Health Sciences-clinical Informatics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- MS, Information Technology, Tarbiat Modares University
- MS, Health Informatics, Indiana University
- BA, Business Management, Tehran University
Honors & Awards
- Columbia Center of AI Technology Research Awards in Collaboration with Amazon Company, New York, NY, 2021
- Office of Scholarship and Research Development Award, School of Nursing, Columbia University, New York, NY, 2020
- Eugenie and Joseph Doyle Research Award – Visiting Nurse Service of New York, New York, NY, 2020
- Student Editorial Board of Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), 2019-2020
- Journal Club Manager of JAMIA, 2019-2020
- Research Award, Federal Drug Administration (FDA) Centers of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSIs), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 2018
- Best Dissertation, Department of Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 2018
- Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA), Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, NLM/NIH, Bethesda, MD, 2016
- The Chancellor’s Graduate Student Award (CGSA), University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Fall 2017
- Certificate for Excellence in Online and Blended Teaching, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI, 2016
- Travel Award, HIMSS Conference & Exhibition, HIMSS Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2013
- Scholarship Award for Master’s in Health Informatics, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Indianapolis, IN, 2012-2015
- Patent Award by the Iran Intellectual Property Center for Clinical Decision Support Systems for diagnosis and management of Pediatric Asthma, Tehran, Iran, 2012
- Best Article Award, International Journal of Information Technology, Tehran, IRAN, 2011
- Recipient of Research Award, Immunology & Asthma & Allergy Research Institute (IAARI), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, IRAN, 2010
- Thesis Award, Immunology & Asthma & Allergy Research Institute (IAARI), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, IRAN, 2008
- Recognized as a National Exceptional Talent by the IRAN Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and IRAN National Elites Foundation, 2005
- 4th Rank among 16,000 Students Participated in Nation-Wide Entrance Exam for Information Technology Education Programs, IRAN, 2005
- 1th Rank among all students graduated with Bachelor Degree in Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, IRAN, 2005
Zolnoori's program of research uses cutting-edge technologies to develop novel methodological frameworks and informatics solutions to mitigate the burden of delayed start-of-care and negative outcomes and improve the quality and safety of health care services. These frameworks and solutions are built on novel data science methods (e.g., natural language processing and speech analysis methods) and multiple discrete and heterogenous data points (e.g., patient-clinician verbal communication, free-text clinical notes, and patient self-reported messages).
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Alarifi, M., Jabour, A., Foy, D. M., & Zolnoori, M. (2022). Identifying the underlying factors associated with antidepressant drug discontinuation: content analysis of patients’ drug reviews. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 1-10.
- Zolnoori, M., Song, J., McDonald, M. V., Barrón, Y., Cato, K., Sockolow, P., ... & Topaz, M. (2021). Exploring Reasons for Delayed Start-of-Care Nursing Visits in Home Health Care: Algorithm Development and Data Science Study. JMIR nursing, 4(4), e31038.
- Song, J., Zolnoori, M., McDonald, M.V., Barron, Y., Cato, K., Sockolow, P., Sridharan, S., Onorato, N., Bowles, K. H., & Topaz, M. (2021). Factors Associated with Timing of the Start-of-care Nursing Visits in Home Health Care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2021.03.005
- Topaz, M., Woo, K., Ryvicker, M., Zolnoori, M., & Cato, K. (2020). Home Healthcare Clinical Notes Predict Patient Hospitalization and Emergency Department Visits. Nursing Research, 69(6), 448-454. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000470
- Zolnoori, M., McDonald, M., Cato, K., Sockolow, P., Onorato, N., Barron-Vaya, Y., Bowles, K., Topaz, M. (2020). Improving Patient Prioritization During Hospital-homecare Transition: A Protocol of a Mixed-methods Study of a Clinical Decision Support Tool Implementation, Journal of JMIR Research Protocols,10(1):e20184, DOI:10.2196/20184
- Zolnoori M., Williams, MD, Leasure W.B., Angstman KB, Ngufor C. (2020). A systematic Framework for Analyzing Observation Data in Patient-centered Registries: A Case Study for Patients with Depression, Journal of JMIR Research Protocols, 9(10):e18366, DOI:10.2196/18366
- Zolnoori M., Patten C., Balls-Berry J.E., Brockman T. A., Huang, M., Yao L. (2019). Mining News Media for Understanding Public Health Concerns. American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 5(1). DOI: 10.1017/cts.2019.434
- Zolnoori M., Patten C., Balls-Berry J.E., Brockman T. A., Huang, M., Yao L. A. (2019). A Systematic Framework for Analyzing Patient-generated Narrative Data: Protocol for a Content Analysis. Journal of JMIR Research Protocols, 8 (8), e13914. DOI: 10.2196/13914
- Huang, M., Zolnoori M., Patten C., Balls-Berry J.E., Brockman T. A., Yao L. (2018). Technological Innovations in Disease Management: Text Mining US Patent Data from 1995 to 2017, Journal of medical Internet research, 21(4), e13316.DOI: 10.2196/13316
- Zolnoori M., Fung, K. W., Fontelo, P., Kharrazi, H., Faiola, A., Wu, Y. S. S., Patrick, T. (2018). Identifying the underlying Factors Associated with Patients’ Attitudes Toward Antidepressants: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Patient Drug Reviews. JMIR mental health, 5(4), e10726. DOI: 10.2196/10726
- Huang, M., ElTayeby, O., Zolnoori M., & Yao, L. (2018). Public Opinions Toward Diseases: Infodemiological Study on News Media Data. Journal of medical Internet research, 20(5). DOI: 10.2196/10047
- Zolnoori M., Fung, K., Patrick, T., Fontelo, P., Kharrazi, H., Faiola, A., et al. (2019). A Systematic Approach for Developing a Corpus of Patient Reported Adverse Drug events: A case Study for SSRI and SNRI Medications, Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 90, 103091. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbi.2018.12.005
- Zolnoori M., Fung, K. W., Patrick, T. B., Fontelo, P., Kharrazi, H., Faiola, A., Wu, Y., Hamideh, M. (2019). The PsyTAR dataset: From Social Media Posts to a Corpus of Adverse Drug Events and Effectiveness of Psychiatric Medications. Journal of Data in Brief. 103838. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.103838
- Zolnoori, M. (2017). Utilizing Consumer Health Posts for Pharmacovigilance: Identifying Underlying Factors Associated with Patients' Attitudes Towards Antidepressants (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).
- Alizadeh, B., Safdari, R., Zolnoori M., & Bashiri, A. (2015). Developing an Intelligent System for Diagnosis of Asthma Based on Artificial Neural Network. Acta Informatica Medica, 23(4), 220. DOI: 10.5455/aim.2015.23.220-223
- Samad Soltani, T., Langarizadeh, M., & Zolnoori M. (2015). Data Mining and Analysis: Reporting Results For Patients With Asthma. Payavard Salamat, 9(3), 224-234.
- Darabi, S. A., Teimourpour, B., & Zolnoori M. (2014). Case-Based-Reasoning System for Feature Selection and Diagnosing Disease; Case Study: Asthma. Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, 5(5), 43-59. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2515-8.ch019
- Zolnoori M., Jones, J. F., Moin, M., Heidarnejad, H., Fazlollahi, M. R., & Hosseini, M. (2013). Evaluation of user interface of computer application developed for screening pediatric asthma. In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services for Quality of Life (pp. 563-570). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Taha Samad Soltani Heirs, M., Mahmoodvand, Z., & Zolnoori, M. (2013). Intelligent Diagnosis of Asthma Using Machine Learning Algorithms. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences. 4, 4041-6.
- Zolnoori M., Zarandi, M. H. F., Moin, M., Heidarnezhad, H., & Kazemnejad, A. (2012). Computer-aided intelligent system for diagnosing pediatric asthma. Journal of medical systems, 36(2), 809-822. DOI: 10.1007/s10916-010-9545-5
- Zolnoori M., Fazel Zarandi M.H., Moin M. (2012). Fuzzy Rule-Based Expert System for Evaluating Level of Asthma Control, Journal of Medical Systems, 36(5), 2947-2958, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-011-9773-3,
- Zolnoori M., Fazel Zarandi M. H., Moin M. (2012). Application of Intelligent Systems in Asthma Disease: Designing a Fuzzy Rule-Based System for Evaluation Level of Asthma Exacerbation, Journal of Medical Systems, 36(4), 2071-2083. DOI: 10.1007/s10916-011-9671-8
- Fazel Zarandi M.H., Zolnoori M., Moin M., Heidarnejad H. (2010). Fyzzy Expert System for Diagnosing Asthma, Journal of Scientia Iranica: Transaction E: Industrial Engineering, 17 (2), 129-142,
- Zolnoori M., Fazel Zarandi M.H., Moin M., Teimorian S. (2012). Fuzzy Rule-Based Expert System for Assessment Severity of Asthma, Journal of Medical Systems, 36(3), 1707-1717, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-010-9631
- Zolnoori M., Fazel Zarandi M.H., Moin M. (2011). Fuzzy Rule-Based Expert System for Evaluation Possibility of Fatal Asthma, Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 5(1), 171-184, DOI: 10.19082/5974
- Zolnoori, M., Zarandi, M. H. F., Moin, M., & Teimorian, S. (2007). Designing fuzzy expert system for Diagnosing and Evaluating Childhood Asthma, Department of Information Technology Management, Tarbiat Modares University. Master of Science in Information Technology Management, 199.
Peer-Reviewed Conference/Workshop Proceedings
- Song, J., Zolnoori, M., Scharp, D., Vergez, S., McDonald, M.V., Sridharan, S., Kostic, Z., & Topaz, M. (2022). To what extent are verbal conversations between patients and nurses in home healthcare documented in the electronic health record? AMIA Clinical Informatics Conference, Houston, TX
- Zolnour, A., Eldredge, C., Yaghoobzadeh, Y., Topaz, M., Faiola, A., Fontelo, P., Zolnoori, M. (2022). Developing a Risk Identification Algorithm for Identifying Patients at Risk of Medication Non-adherence in Patients with Depression, AMIA Informatics Summit, Chicago [Podium presentation]
- Zolnoori, M., Vergez, S., Zolnour, A., Kostic, Z., Topaz, M., IL. (2022) Creating Classifiers to Distinguish Between Speaker Types in Recorded Nurse-patient Verbal Communication in Home Healthcare: A Feasibility Study, AMIA Informatics Summit, Chicago, IL. [Podium presentation]
- Zolnoori, M., Vergez S., Kostic Z., Reddy S. & Topaz, M. (2021). Feasibility study of audio recording patient-clinician verbal communications in home healthcare settings. American Medical Informatics Association, Annual Symposium, San Diego, CA. [Poster presentation].
- Hobensack, M., Song, J., Zolnoori, M., Ojo, M., Bowles, K.H., Chae, S., Kennedy., McDonald, M.V., & Topaz, M. (2021). Identifying Narrative Documentation of Clinician Concern about Patient Deterioration in Home Healthcare: A Text Mining Study, American Medical Informatics Association, Annual Symposium, San Diego, CA. [Poster presentation].
- Topaz, M. Woo, K., Ryvicker, M., Zolnoori, M., Cato, K. (2020). Predicting Patient Hospitalization and Emergency Department Visits Using Clinical Notes: A Data Science Study in Home Healthcare. Annual International Conference on Home Healthcare, Hospice, and Information Technology (H3IT) conference, Virtual. [Poster presentation].
- Zolnoori, M., McDonald, M., Cato, K., Sockolow, P., Onorato, N., Barrón, Y., Sridharan, S., Bowles, K., Topaz, M. (2020). Using Data Science to Explore Reasons for Late Start of Care Nursing Visit in Home Healthcare. Annual International Conference on Home Healthcare, Hospice, and Information Technology (H3IT) conference, Virtual. [Podium presentation].
- Zolnoori M., Sohn S., Faiola A., Balls-Berry J.E., Tafti A., Huang M., Eldredge C.E., Luo J., Patrick T.B., (2019). Identifying Factors Affecting Drug Discontinuation in Patients with Depression: Text Analysis of Patient Drug Review Posts. American Medical Informatics Association, Annual Symposium,WashingtonDC. [Podium presentation].
- Huang, M., Zolnoori M., Patten C., Balls-Berry J.E., Brockman T. A., Yao L. (2018). Temporal sequence alignment in electronic health records for computable patient representation, International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Madrid. [Article presentation].
- Zolnoori, M., Fung, K., Patrick, T., Fontelo, P., Kharrazi, H., Faiola, A. (2018). The role of online healthcare communities in identifying risk factors associated with patients’ negative attitudes toward antidepressants and medication non-adherence, American Medical Informatics Association, Annual Symposium, San Francisco, CA. [Podium presentation].
- Zolnoori M., Patrick, T. B., Fung, KW., Fontelo P., Faiola, A., Wu YS. S., Xu, K., Zhu, J., Eldredge, C. E. (2017). Development of an Adverse Drug Reaction Corpus from Consumer Health Posts. American Medical Informatics Association, Annual Symposium, Washington, DC. [Article presentation].
- Patrick, T. Zolnoori, M. (2016). Depression Drug Side Effect Beyond Clinical Conditions”. American Public Health Association, Denver. [Poster presentation].
- Zolnoori, M. Patrick, T. Conway, M. Faiola A., Lue, J. (2016). Evaluating Acceptability and Efficacy of Antidepressant Medications using Patients Comments, American Medical Informatics Association, Chicago. [Poster presentation].
- Zolnoori, M. Nambisan, P., Patrick, T. (2015). Seeking support on Facebook, Content Analysis of Depression Group. American Medical Informatics Association, San Francisco. [Poster presentation].
- Jones, J., Zolnoori, M., Binkheder, S., Schilling, K., Lenox, M., Pondugala, L.R. (2015). The Extent to which U.S. Hospitals Promote Their Patient Engagement Activities and Outcomes: Preliminary Results of Quantitative Content Analysis Research. American Medical Informatics Association, Washington DC. [Poster presentation].
- Zolnoori, M., Schilling, K., Jones, J. (2014). Patient-Centered Decision Support for Pediatric Asthma’s Signs and Symptoms: Development of a Web-Based User Interface for Parents. American Medical Informatics Association, Washington DC. [Poster presentation].
- Jones, J., Boston-Clay C., Kilaru A., Zolnoori M., Malika M. Building a Portal to Health Resources for Cancer Survivors. (2013). American Medical Informatics Association, Washington DC. [Poster presentation].
- Elahi.G., Shahrivari S., Zolnoori M. (2011). Comparison the results of linear (Discriminative Analysis, and Logistic Regression) and nonlinear (SVM, Neural Network, and Decision Tree) Techniques in evaluating credit of Banks’ Customer (in Persian). 5th National Conference on Data Mining, Tehran, Iran. [Article presentation].
- Zolnoori M., Shahrivari S., Faliat V. (2011). Strategic Planning: A Framework for Internal Analysis, this paper presented at 5th International Conference on Strategic Management, Tehran, Iran. [Article presentation].
- Zolnoori M., Fazel Zarandi M.H., Moein M. (2010). Intelligent Systems in Medicine: Designing a Fuzzy Expert System for Evaluation Severity of Asthma Exacerbation (in Persian), 6th International Conference on information and communication technology, Tehran, Iran. [Article presentation].
- Zolnoori M., Fazel Zarandi M.H., Moein M., Teimorian S. (2010). Intelligent Systems in Medicine: Designing a Fuzzy Expert System for Evaluation Severity of Asthma Exacerbation. 17th International Conference on Medical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. [Article presentation].
- Zolnoori M., Fazel Zarandi M.H., Moein M. (2010). Designing an Expert System for Evaluating Possibility of Fatal Asthma, presented at 10th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Tehran, Iran. [Article presentation].
- Faaliate V., Zolnoori M. (2010). Is It Possible to Create Software Clusters in Iran? (in Persian), 6th International Conference on Information Technology Management, Tehran, Iran. [Article presentation].
- Bohrani A., Zolnoori M. (2010). A systematic approach for designing national portal (in Persian), 6th International Conference on Information Technology Management, Tehran, Iran. [Article presentation].