Bobbie Berkowitz, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
- Professor of Nursing and Health Policy and Management
- Dean Emerita of the Faculty of Nursing
- Mary O'Neil Mundinger, DrPH, Professor Emerita of Nursing

Academic Appointments
- Professor of Nursing and Health Policy and Management
- Dean Emerita of the Faculty of Nursing
- Mary O'Neil Mundinger, DrPH, Professor Emerita of Nursing
- Female
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- BSN, 1972 Nursing, University of Washington
- MN, 1981 Nursing, University of Washington
- PhD, 1990 Nursing Science, Case Western Reserve University
Committees, Societies, Councils
- 2013-present: Board of Directors, President-elect, American Academy of Nursing
- 2011-present: Board of Directors, Visiting Nurse Service of New York
- 2010-present: Board of Directors, Public Health Foundation
- 2010-present: Research Advisory Panel, Association of American Medical Colleges
- 2010-present: National Quality Forum Measures Application Partnership
- 2007-2013: Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine
- 2006-2010: Board of Directors, American Academy of Nursing
- 2011-present: New York Academy of Medicine
- American Nurses Association
- American Public Health Association
- Sigma Theta Tau International
- American Academy of Nursing
- Institute of Medicine
Honors & Awards
- 2013: Certificate of Leadership Development, US Army War College; nominated and selected for the National Security Seminar at the US Army War College
- 2012: Joint Civilian Orientation Conference; nominated and selected for participation by the US Office of the Secretary of Defense
- 2006: Award of Merit (2006) Association of State and Territorial Directors Nursing
- 2006: Theodore R. Ervin Award for Outstanding Service, Public Health Foundation
- 2004: Hall of Fame Award (2004) Washington State Nurses Association
- 1997: 19th Elizabeth Sterling Soule Lectureship
- 1994: University of Washington School of Nursing Distinguished Alumni Award
- 1993: American Public Health Association Creative Achievement Award in Nursing
Research Interests
- Healthcare Policy
- Health Disparities
- Public health nursing practice
- Public health systems and services research
Selected Publications
- Poghosyan, L., Shang, J., Liu, J., Poghosyan, H., Liu, N. & Berkowitz, B. (2015) Nurse practitioners as primary care providers: Creating favorable practive environments in New York State and Massachusetts. Health Care Management Review, 40(1), 46-55.
- Ezeonwu, M., Berkowitz, B. (2014). A collaborative community wide health fair: The process and impact on the community. Journal of community health Nursing, 31:118-129.
- Berkowitz, B. (2014) The Emergence and Impact of the DNP Degree on Clinical Practice. In: Anderson B. & Knestrick, J. (Eds.) DNP Capstone Projects: Exemplars of Excellence in Practice, New York, Springer.
- Ezeonwu, M., Berkowitz, B. & Vlasses, F. (2013). Using academic-community partnership model and blended learning to advance community
- health nursing pedagogy. Public Health Nursing, 31:272-280
- Berkowitz, B. (2012) Wisdom in our history. Nursing Outlook, 60(5).
- Chen, Y. & Berkowitz, B. (2012) Older adults' home and community-based care service use and residential transitions: a longitudinal study. BMC Geriatrics; 12:44.
- Berkowitz, B. (2011) The Policy Process. In: Mason, DJ, Leavitt, JK & Chaffee, MW (Eds.) Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care, Sixth Edition, St. Louis, Elsevier.
- Berkowitz, B. (2010) What if policy efforts fail? Nursing OUtlook, 53(3).
- Berkowitz, B. & Borchard, N. (2009). Advocating for the prevention of childhood obesity: A call to action for nursing. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing., 14(1).
- Berkowitz, B.& Gebbie, K. (2009) Nurses and policy: What more is there to say? Nursing Outlook, 52(2).
- Bekemeier, B., Riley, C., & Berkowitz, B. (2007). Leveraging finances for public health system improvement: Results from the turning point initiative. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 13(6): 652-658.
- Bekemeier, B., Riley, C., Padgett, S. M., & Berkowitz, B. (2007). Making the case: Leveraging resources toward public health system improvement in turning point states. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 13(6): 659-664.
- Tilson, H. & Berkowitz, B (2006) The Public health enterprise: Examining our 21st century policy challenges. Health Affairs. 25(4): 900-911.
- Berkowitz, B., & McCubbin, M. (2005) Advancing health disparities research: A conceptual approach. Nursing Outlook. 55(3):153-159.
- Berkowitz, B., Nicola, R., Lafronza, V. & Bekemeier, B. (2005) Turning point's legacy. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 11(2): 97-100.
- Fleming, R., Berkowitz, B., & Cheadle, A. (2005) Increasing minority representation in the health professions. Journal of School Nursing, 21(1): 31-39
- Padgett, S., Bekemeier, B., & Berkowitz, B. (2004) Collaborative partnerships at the state level: Promoting systems changes in public health infrastructure. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 10(3):251-257.
- Berkowitz, B. (2004) Rural public health service delivery: promising new directions. American Journal of Public Health. 94(10): 1678-1681.
- Larson, E., Palazzo, L., Berkowitz, B., Pirani, M., & Hart, L.G. (2003) The contribution of nurse practitioners and physician assistants to generalist care in underserved areas of Washington state. Health Services Research. 38(4):1033-1050.
- Berkowitz, B. & Nicola, R. (2003) Public health infrastructure system change: Outcomes from the turning point initiative. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 9(3): 224-227.
- Ward, D, & Berkowitz, B. (2002) Arching the flood: How to bridge the gap between nursing schools and hospitals. Health Affairs. 21(5).
- Berkowitz, B., Ivory, J., & Morris, T. (2002) Rural public health: policy and research opportunities. Journal of Rural Health, 18 (5): 186-196.
For a complete list of publications, please visit