Impact of COVID-19 on Care Transitions and Health Outcomes for Vulnerable Populations in Nursing Homes and Home Healthcare Agencies (ACROSS-CARE)

The "Impact of COVID-19 on Care Transitions and Health Outcomes for Vulnerable Populations in Nursing Homes and Home Healthcare Agencies (ACROSS-CARE)" study will address the impact of COVID-19 on care transitions and health outcomes of elderly, vulnerable patients (e.g., persons of color, rural residents) and identify health disparities and effective practices to mitigate them.
Columbia University School of Nursing is conducting the study in partnership with the RAND Corporation, and each institution's IRB has approved the study.
The National Institutes of Health's National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities are funding this research (R01AG074492).
The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted elderly persons of color who experience higher rates of severe consequences including death.1 As the pandemic has evolved, rural communities have also been severely affected, in part due to their high-risk populations and limited health care infrastructure.2,3 Thus, both elderly persons of color and rural residents are vulnerable. The substantial risk for COVID-19 in these vulnerable populations can be partially explained by a higher prevalence of underlying health problems as well as other social determinants of health (SDoH).4-8
Home health agencies and nursing homes provide essential post-acute care to elderly vulnerable populations. When HHAs and NHs provide best practices in infection prevention and control, they can reduce the risk of nosocomial infections and related hospitalizations, therefore reducing overcrowding in hospitals.
We have previously shown that IPC programs in many HHAs and NHs are suboptimal (R01NR016865 and R01 NR013687), and that having recommended IPC infrastructure and policies in place is associated with better patient outcomes.9-15 Furthermore, with the pandemic, care transitions between hospitals and both HHAs and NHs have been disrupted, with patients not receiving necessary hospital and post-acute care for non-COVID-19 diagnoses.16
However, we do not know if the disruptions in care have had a differential impact on vulnerable patients who historically have limited access to high-quality care. Nor do we know how HHAs and NHs have responded to the pandemic, including how their IPC programs have changed and the impact of these changes on patient outcomes.
Study Goals
Building upon our previous work and guided by the NIMHD framework,17 we will conduct qualitative interviews and a national survey of HHAs and NHs. We will sample from the core HHAs and NHs from our pre-COVID-19 surveys and augment with new facilities as needed. We will link our prior surveys and the new 2022 survey to examine changes in IPC programs and determine if these changes differed in facilities predominately serving vulnerable populations.
Next, we will use longitudinal (2013 to 2022) CMS data to characterize how select urgent and elective hospital admissions and discharge dispositions to HHAs and NHs changed with COVID-19 and whether these changes differed for vulnerable populations. Finally, we will link our pre-COVID surveys and the 2022 survey with longitudinal CMS data to model the health outcomes (i.e., COVID-19 cases, infections, rehospitalizations, and mortality) of elderly Medicare beneficiaries, controlling for the local COVID-19 environment.
Study Aims
- Describe how HHA and NH IPC programs have changed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic across the nation, and examine if these changes vary for facilities serving a large proportion of vulnerable populations.
- Characterize how COVID-19 disrupted hospital admissions and subsequent discharges to HHAs and NHs, and determine if the disruptions disproportionately affected vulnerable populations.
- Quantify the impact of COVID-19 on inpatient, HHA and NH health outcomes and the effectiveness of IPC programs in HHAs and NHs in reducing the impact of the pandemic in vulnerable and non-vulnerable elderly populations.
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