Strengthening Nurse Training in South Africa
The ICAP Nurse Capacity Initiative (INCI) in South Africa is working with eight nursing colleges and universities in the country's Eastern Cape Province to strengthen pre-service training in comprehensive HIV services.
The one-year pilot project called the Campus-to-Clinic Tutor Mentorship Program consists of direct collaboration between nurse mentors and nursing instructors to build their knowledge and skills in teaching HIV prevention, care, and treatment. Emphasis is placed on "hands-on" approaches, such as demonstrations of early infant diagnosis of HIV using DNA PCR technology. The project's goal is for the nursing instructors to become mentors themselves, providing sustainability for the initiative. ICAP is partnering with the Eastern Cape Department of Health on the project.
"We want to build a sustainable system in which nursing instructors can integrate comprehensive HIV services into their teaching," said Jennifer Dohrn, DNP, INCI program director. "Depending on the outcome of this pilot project, we hope to roll out this program to other nursing schools in South Africa."
In addition to training and mentorship, INCI aims to bolster the nursing workforce through policy advocacy and efforts to enhance nurse retention. INCI supports nurses and nursing institutions in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Swaziland. Expansion to additional countries is planned.
INCI is supported by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, the University of Fort Hare Department of Nursing Sciences in South Africa, the Columbia University School of Nursing, and the International Council of Nursing.