Publications, Honors, and Other News: March 2016
Adriana Arcia, PhD, assistant professor, was the lead author of “Sometimes More is More: Iterative Participatory Design of Infographics for Engagement of Community Members with Varying Levels of Health Literacy," published in the Journal of the American Informatics Association. Jacqueline Merrill, PhD, associate professor, and Suzanne Bakken, PhD, Alumni Professor of Nursing and Professor of Biomedical Informatics, were also authors.
Suzanne Bakken, PhD, Alumni Professor of Nursing and Professor of Biomedical Informatics, was an author of “Integrating Community-Based Participatory Research and Informatics Approaches to Improve the Engagement and Health of Underserved Populations published in the Journal of the American Informatics Association.
Lusine Poghosyan, PhD, assistant professor, was the lead author of “Nurse Practitioner Autonomy and Relationships with Leadership Affect Teamwork in Primary Care Practices: A Cross-Sectional Survey,” published in Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Marlene McHugh, DNP, assistant professor, and Penny Buschman, MS, assistant professor, authored “Communication at the Time of Death,” published in Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing.
Rebecca Schnall, PhD, assistant professor, was the senior author of “Impact of Mandatory HIV Screening in the Emergency Department: A Queuing Study,” published in Research in Nursing and Health, and was the senior author of "Information, Motivation, and Behavioral Skills of High-Risk Young Adults to Use the HIV Self-Test,” published in Aids and Behavior.
Arlene Smaldone, PhD, associate professor, was an author of “Structured Scaffolding for Reflection and Problem-Solving in Diabetes Self-Management: Qualitative Study of Mobile Diabetes Detective,” published in the Journal of the American Informatics Association and “Participatory Approach to the Development of a Knowledge Base for Problem-Solving in Diabetes Self-Management,” published in the International Journal of Medical Informatics.
Presentations and Honors
Donna Cill, DNP, assistant professor, was honored at Black Nurses Day Celebration at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center for outstanding service to the nursing profession and the community at large.
Jeffrey Kwong, DNP, assistant professor, presented “Aging anD HIV,” at Dartmouth Medical Center
and “Taking Care of Our Own: Caring for LGBT Elders,” at Aging in America conference.
Marlene McHugh, DNP, assistant professor, presented “Interprofessional Education Mandate” at the Thought Leaders Conference:Creating the Next Generation of Leaders at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Po-Yin Yen ’10 was selected for the Nursing Informatics Emerging Leaders Program, by the Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI). Po-Yin is the 5th Columbia Nursing grad to be selected for this honor.
Columbia Nursing’s job board lists career opportunities for nurses. Employers are welcome to post new positions for alumni and students. To submit a posting, please email nursingalumni@columbia.edu. Please click here for UNI information.
Attention alumni: If you are interested in mentoring students through the school's Alumni Student Connection program, please e-mail Mairead Moore at mm4513@cumc.columbia.edu.