November 2024 Publications, Presentations, and Other News
Melissa Beauchemin, PhD ’19, was among the authors of “Multilevel Challenges to Equitable Inclusion of Children in Trials When Parents Use Languages Other Than English: A Qualitative Report from Children’s Oncology Group’s Diversity and Health Disparities Committee Language Equity Working Group,” published in Pediatric Blood & Cancer.
Natalie Benda, student Sarah Harkins, Yihong Zhao, and Meghan Reading Turchioe, PhD ’18, were among the authors of “A Cross-Sectional Study of Patient Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence: A Comparison of Somatic Versus Mental Health Care,” published in Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Walter Bockting was among the authors of “Prevalence and Predictors of Cancer Screening in Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Individuals,” published in International Journal of Transgender Health.
Leon Chen was a co-author of “An Interview with Pennsylvania State Representative Tarik Khan, PhD, FNP-BC,” published in Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Ruth Masterson Creber was among the authors of “Expanding Revascularization Trials to Women and Underserved Minorities and Shifting to Patient-Centered Outcomes: RECHARGE Trials Program,” published in Current Opinion in Cardiology.
Christine DeForge, PhD ’23, was among the authors of “Disruptions in Sleep Health and Independent Associations with Psychological Distress in Close Family Members of Cardiac Arrest Survivors: A Prospective Study,” published in Journal of Cardiac Failure.
Christine DeForge, PhD ’23, Arlene Smaldone, PhD ’03, and Maureen George were among the authors of “Medical Decision-Making and Bereavement Experiences After Cardiac Arrest: Qualitative Insights from Surrogates,” published in American Journal of Critical Care.
Fabiana Cristina Dos Santos was among the authors of “Improving the Quality of Nursing Care Through Standardized Nursing Languages: Call to Action Across European Countries,” published in International Journal of Medical Informatics.
Maura Dougherty was among the authors of “The Association Between Alarm Burden and Nurse Burnout in U.S. Hospitals,” published in Nursing Outlook.
Tonda Hughes was among the authors of “Associations Between Gender and Sexuality Characteristics of Cisgender Bisexual Women and Risk of Sexual Assault,” published in International Journal of Sexual Health, and “Preparedness of Practicing Nurses in the Care of Sexual and Gender Diverse People in the United States: A Scoping Review,” published in Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Jianfang Liu, Jean-Marie Bruzzese, and Kasey Jackman, PhD ’17, were among the authors of “Disordered Eating in Early Adolescence: Disparities Among Minoritised Youth,” published in Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Stephanie Niño de Rivera, Natalie Benda, Meghan Reading Turchioe, PhD’18, and Ruth Masterson Creber were among the authors of “Portal Confidentiality Concerns and Health Information Sharing and Access,” published in JAMA Pediatrics.
Natalya Pasklinsky was among the authors of “Associations Between Nursing Students’ Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes and Participation in Experiential Learning on Care for People with Disabilities,” published in Nurse Educator.
George Rodriguez was among the authors of “Intravenous Versus Oral Omadacycline or Linezolid for Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Infections: A Post Hoc Analysis of the OASIS Trials,” published in Infectious Diseases and Therapy.
Sarah Rossetti, PhD ’09, was among the authors of “Interventions to Mitigate EHR and Documentation Burden in Health Professions Trainees: A Scoping Review,” published in Applied Clinical Informatics.
Jihye Kim Scroggins, student Sarah Harkins, and Veronica Barcelona were among the authors of “Corrigendum to ‘A Systematic Review of Community-Based Interventions to Address Perinatal Mental Health,’” published in Seminars in Perinatology.
Jingjing Shang and Patricia Stone were among the authors of “Development of a Symptom Self-Management Guide for Older Chinese Americans Receiving Kidney Replacement Therapy,” published in Nursing Research and Practice.
Meghan Reading Turchioe, PhD ’18, Sergey Kisselev, and Suzanne Bakken were among the authors of “Increasing Generative Artificial Intelligence Competency Among Students Enrolled in Doctoral Nursing Research Coursework,” published in Applied Clinical Informatics.
Gregory Alexander presented “Creating an International Agenda for the Care of Older Adults Using Technology” at the Gerontological Society of America’s Annual Scientific Meeting, held November 13-16, 2024, in Seattle, and “Unlocking Insights: Findings from the International Summit on Innovation and Technology in the Care of Older People,” at the American Medical Informatics Association’s 2024 Annual Symposium, held November 9-13, 2024, in San Francisco.
Marcela Algave presented “Leveraging the Electronic Health Record Patient Portal to Identify Unmet Health-Related Social Needs Among Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer” at the American Medical Informatics Association’s 2024 Annual Symposium, held November 9-13, 2024, in San Francisco.
Leon Chen presented “Principles of Point of Care Ultrasound” at the New England Assembly of School Faculty 24th Annual Faculty Development Workshop, held November 9, 2024, at Columbia Nursing.
Leon Chen and Maribeth Massie, MS ’98, presented “CUSON Nurse Anesthesia Program Admissions Process and Application Pearls” at the Diversity in Nurse Anesthesia Mentorship Program Meeting on October 26, 2024, at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Connecticut.
Ariana Komaroff, MS ’04, presented “Healthy Starts: Enhancing Pediatric Care Through WIC Partnership” and “Social Determinants of Health and Breastfeeding” at the National WIC Association 2024 NWA Nutrition Education and Breastfeeding Conference, held November 19-21, 2024, in Baltimore.
Sarah Rossetti, PhD ’09, was a co-recipient of the Donald A.B. Lindberg Award for Innovation in Informatics, presented by the American Medical Informatics Association on November 10, 2024.