Grants, Publications, Presentations and Other News October 2016


Amanda Hessels, PhD, associate research scientist, is principal investigator of a 3-year $324,000 grant from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Impact of Patient Safety Climate on Infection Prevention Practices and Healthcare Worker and Patient Outcomes,” will examine the relationships among patient safety climate, healthcare worker (HCW) adherence to standard precautions and adverse outcomes of HCW blood-borne exposures and patient healthcare-associated infections.


Jean-Marie Bruzzese, PhD, associate professor of applied developmental psychology, was the first author of “Psychological Factors Influencing the Decision of Urban Adolescents with Undiagnosed Asthma to Obtain Medical Care,” published in Journal of Adolescent Health; and “Psychological Factors Influencing the Decision of Urban Adolescents with Undiagnosed Asthma to Obtain Medical Care,” published in Journal of Adolescent Health.


Lusine Poghosyan, PhD, assistant professor, was the first author of “Social Networks in Health Care Teams: Evidence from the United States,” published in Journal of Health Organization and Management.


Presentations and Honors

Adriana Arcia, PhD, assistant professor, presented a poster “Time to Push: Using Gestational Age in the Electronic Health Record to Support Delivery of Relevant Prenatal Education," at Concordium 2016.


Jean-Marie Bruzzese, PhD, associate professor of applied developmental psychology, was elected Chair, Patient and Family Education Committee of the American Thoracic Society 2016 Leadership Summit.


Penelope Buschman, assistant professor, Latisha Hanson, DNP, assistant professor, and Beth Maletz, DNP, instructor, presented “Bridging the Workforce Shortage: PMHNP in Clinical Practice," at the NYCCAP Collaborative Care Committee conference.


Kathleen Hickey, EdD, associate professor, was selected to receive the 2016 Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing (CVSN) Clinical Article of the Year Award from the American Heart Association.


Laura Kelly, PhD, associate professor, was awarded the 2016 Alumni Award of The Edmond J. Safra Alumni Visiting Nurse Faculty Program at the Parkinson's Disease Foundation. Dr. Kelly completed the program in 2015.


Jeffrey Kwong, DNP, associate professor, presented “HIV and Aging,” at the US Conference on AIDS.


Sabrina Opiola McCauley, assistant professor, presented “Hiding in Plain Sight: Undiagnosed Hepatoblastoma in a Full Term Newborn,” at the 16th National Neonatal Nurses Conference.


Lusine Poghosyan, PhD, assistant professor, presented “New Strategies for Promoting Interprofessional Teamwork in Primary Care,” at the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Congress, and was named a co-chair of the Primary Care Expert Panel of the American Academy of Nursing.


Vanessa Battista ’06 ’08 presented at the annual Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses (APHON).

Scholarship Opportunity: CUPHSONAA/ J. Margaret Ada Mutch Award is an endowed $50,000 Nurses Education Fund scholarship. For more information, please contact Jerelyn Weiss, Executive Director, Nurses Educational Funds at or 917 524-8051.


Columbia Nursing’s job board lists career opportunities for nurses. Employers are welcome to post new positions for alumni and students. To submit a posting, please email  Please click here for UNI information.