Columbia Nursing Faculty Win Honor, Grants from Provost’s Office
Associate Professor Karol DiBello, DNP, has been chosen as Columbia Nursing’s Provost’s Senior Faculty Teaching Scholar for 2023-2024.
The Provost’s Office chooses one faculty member from each Columbia University school for the initiative, now in its fourth year. It supports outstanding senior faculty in working with the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to create a vision and plan for supporting, changing, and innovating the culture of teaching and learning within their own department or school, and across campus.
The program’s goal is to complement the CTL’s educational development expertise with perspectives of current Columbia faculty, and to enhance the culture of teaching and learning at Columbia with a specific focus on equitable, inclusive, and antiracist pedagogy.
The Provost’s Office also awards research grants to teams across the university for teaching- and learning-related projects. This year’s awardees include two Columbia Nursing teams:
Assistant Professor Meghan Reading Turchioe, PhD, Alumni Professor Suzanne Bakken, PhD, and data manager Sergey Kisselev received an Innovative Course Module Design Grant for Generative Artificial Intelligence for Nurses (GAIN).
Assistant Professor Kathleen Mullen, DNP, and Assistant Professor Heidi Hahn-Schroeder, DNP, received a Large-Scale Teaching & Learning Grant for Integrating AACN’s Essentials: Core Competencies into the Advanced Clinical Management and Leadership Program.