Celebrating Reunion 2024
Columbia Nursing welcomed alumni and friends to Reunion on May 3, 2024, including members of the Class of 1974 celebrating their 50th year back at the school and members of other classes ending in “4” and “9” celebrating milestone years.
Dean Lorraine Frazier, PhD, welcomed attendees and delivered the State of the School address. She also presented Midge Fleming of the Class of 1969 with the Anna Caroline Maxwell Award, given to a Columbia Nursing graduate whose achievements and record of service exemplify the ideals and traditions of the school and its founder.
This year’s Alumni Reunion theme was “Nurturing the Nurse,” and the day’s events explored this theme and left attendees with some helpful tips. Students and alumni participated in three panels, “Nursing and Perseverance Throughout the Decades,” “Clinician as a Client: How to Take Care of Ourselves,” and “It Starts at the Root: A Recipe for Health,” which included a cooking demonstration by May Yong, MS ’14, and a wine tasting with vineyard owner Julie Johnson, BS ’79.
Distinguished Alumni Awards were presented to Lucinda Canty, BS ’91, Nursing Practice; Jennifer Dohrn, DNP ’05, Distinguished Career in Nursing; Jared Kutzin, BS ’05, Nursing Education; Carolyn Sun, PhD ’15, Nursing Education; and Samantha Stonbraker, PhD ’16, Nursing Research. Aluem Tark, PhD ’19, received the Early Career Alumni Award: Emerging Nurse Leader.
The day also included a student research poster session and tours of the Helene Fuld Health Trust Simulation Center.
Video recordings of the event, and the cooking demonstration, are available here; for photographs from the day, click here.
Interested in joining the reunion planning committee? Next year we will be celebrating the classes ending in “5” and “0.” To learn more, please email us at sonalumni@cumc.columbia.edu.