Artificial Intelligence

A nurse using a tablet with a healthcare symbols being projected

The Office of Artificial Intelligence (OAI) integrates this groundbreaking technology into the three main missions of Columbia Nursing—academics, research, and clinical practice.

Learn About OAI

Community and Wellness

Columbia Nursing’s commitment to supporting our community is an essential element in our efforts to promote social justice and health equity. 

Explore Our Impact

Primary Care Services

The lobby at the Washington Heights location for primary care nurse practitioner group

The ColumbiaDoctors Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Group combines evidence-based practice with a personalized approach to provide quality care.

Explore Our Services



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A roof garden with city skyline in the background.

Your investment enables our accomplished students to continue their education and to become the next generation of nurse clinicians, leaders, and scientists. Thank you for your support of Columbia University School of Nursing.

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